World Music Ministry
Spread the Word

My Heart is to connect Gods Heart with the World 



Butterflies and Blue Skies                
is about the fact that the Lord reigns over Everything! Some wonder why there's so much suffering in the World and ask "Where is God and why does He let it happen?" If everyone were to acknowledge God for who He really is and follow His leading, becoming the people He intended us to be then there wouldn't be the suffering there is in the World today! God created the world and everyone in it and that includes YOU!!! Only God knows why some have it better than others, but He is working in every life, whether rich or poor, healthy or sick. This song contrasts the lives of the poor with the lives of the rich to get people thinking about how lucky we are in the Western world. But then I question if in fact the poor have a better deal? We can get so wrapped up in materialism we can miss out on the beauty of Life. I ask God to open our eyes to His beauty in every circumstance, and since writing this song, He has answered that prayer in my life. (In most circumstances anyway!:-) I pray that He will answer it in yours too. 




The Vision

I was lying in bed one night and I heard very clearly the words 'World Music Ministry'.  I prayed... "If that was you God, confirm it!"  Those words never left me, they grew and grew in my heart until my heart could take no more!  I'm excited to announce that my vision has been born! Although as yet I am unsure of the ins and outs of 'World Music Ministry', I have placed it in to Gods hands and asked Him to lead the way.  I trust that the right people are going to come alongside me and the right doors will be opened in order to bring 'WMM' in to fruition.    




Jesus said; 'But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.  Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid'               

                                                                John 14:26~27 NRSV


Do you know Jesus?  Would you like to know Jesus?  In a world full of darkness would you like to see Light?  In a world full of sadness would you like to feel joy?  In a world full of chaos would you like to feel peace?  If so, just ask Him!  Say; 'Jesus would you come in to my life and show me the way.  I'm sorry I've chosen to go my own way.  Please give me peace Jesus, with me please stay, reveal yourself to me Lord Jesus I pray, Amen'.  

It will be the best thing you ever did and you will never look back!

If you just said this prayer for the first time, contact your local church for the next step of your exciting journey!  Feel free to contact me; and I will do my best to head you in the right direction.                                                                                                                


                      This website is under construction!

         World Music Ministry was founded by Ruth Anne on
                                           14 July 2009
As one door closes another one opens.  I have just completed a foundation degree in 'Community Evangelism' with;
'World Music Ministry' is a dream that I kept very much to myself until the last week of my degree when I shared it with the Light team and received prayer for the future.  I really felt that to be a significant time and felt that I had given birth to my dream at last.  To my surprise, the domain names and were available.  In purchasing the names and setting up a myspace page I really feel that this is a new chapter of my life.  It's exciting not knowing what 'WMM' intails.  I just know that it's a God given vision and that He will make the way clear.  Ever since I started writing songs in 2000 I knew that I had a call on my life and that God was going to use the songs He inspires me to write to re~connect people with Himself.  I am extremely passionate about inspiring others through my songs whether it be to 'Have Faith,' to raise awareness about 'World Issues,' to be a 'Voice for the Voiceless,' to bring 'Hope and Healing' or to encourage people to believe in their dreams.  I have a heart for the World and everyone in it and my dream is that 'WMM' will be a vessel for Gods heart to be expressed to this generation in a fresh innovative way.
"Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened"
                                                                                         Matthew:7:7~8 NRSV
"Very truly, I tell you, whoever believes has eternal life"
                                                                                               John 6:47 NRSV
If you have asked Jesus in to your life...


'If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit'
Galatians 5:25
Ask God to lead you and guide you and show you the way at the start of each day...  Where there's Gods Will, there's ALWAYS a way!
Nain and Grandad reunited in Heaven by Ruth Anne
I'd like to say a special thanks to Neil Preston for all the hard work he puts in to our songs.  Also for creating the 'Make Poverty History' artwork.  Thankyou to Moira Wright for the chord arrangements of 'Butterflies and Blue Skies' and the other songs she helped bring alive. I would also like to thank Rich Coan for designing the album covers for 'Remember the Reason.' and the 'World Music Ministry' logo. The Butterfly represents transformation of lives through the power of Jesus Christ.  The treble clefs and music notes represent World Music Ministry's music, written to touch and inspire hearts to connect with Jesus Christ.  The long term vision is that money will flow in to World Music Ministry and back out again to people in need around the world, hence the pound signs.  The cross represents the cross that Jesus Christ died on.  Jesus died in order that we may be transformed and have new life if we believe in Him.   
A special thanks to family and friends that have supported me and believed in me over the years. Please pray for Gods guidance for World Music Ministry.
If you feel called to jump on board, email me;  I am looking for people who share the same vision to come alongside me.
Ruth Anne  


And He said to them, "Go in to all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation"
Mark 16:15 (NRSV)
World Music Ministry is Born